This Friday's Staff Feature Friday puts the spotlight on one of our Elementary Para Educators, Mrs. Sara Dopler.
Mrs. Dopler's family consists of her husband Brodie, and her two sons, Kason (11 years old), and Max (9 years old).
Mrs. Dopler has worked at Wapello Elementary for the past two years and is excited to begin her third year as a Para Educator in the Special Education department this fall!
In her spare time, you will Mrs. Dopler cheering for her children as they compete in sporting events and traveling when she gets the chance.
When asked what she likes best about working for the Wapello Community School District, she had this to say, "I love the kids and my co-workers. We have some of the best kids and teachers in the state of Iowa! They made me feel welcome from day one."
Congratulations to Mrs. Dopler on being selected for today's Staff Feature Friday. Make sure to check back next Friday to see who we spotlight for the next installment of our Staff Feature Friday!
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