Today’s Staff Feature Friday shines the spotlight on one of our Wapello High School Social Studies teachers, Mr. Brandon Brown. Mr. Brown also serves as the Head Baseball Coach of the Indians, Head Girls Basketball Coach of the Arrows, and a Junior High Football Coach. Mr. Brown along with his wife, Megan, and daughter Alexis reside in Wapello.
Mr. Brown is in his 15th year of teaching, and all 15 years have been in the Wapello Community School District. Mr. Brown holds a Bachelors of Arts Degree from Mount St. Claire College and a Masters of Education from the University of Illinois.
In his spare time, Mr. Brown enjoys hunting and fishing as well as producing his line of duck and goose calls for his company, Full Tilt Fowlers.
When we asked Mr. Brown what he likes best about working for the Wapello Community School District, he had this to say, “Small community atmosphere, and a truly caring staff!”
Check back next Friday to see who has been selected as our Staff Feature Friday for the Wapello Community School District!
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Staff Feature Friday - Brandon Brown, High School Social Studies Teacher
May 10, 2019